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Reclaim Clay Collective

Logo design for a community based clay studio in the Seattle Chinatown/International District. Reclaim Clay Collective's mission is to provide a safe and inclusive space for people to explore ceramic and other arts, with scholarships and sliding scale payments to make the studio more accessible for BIPOC and marginalized communities.


The client wanted a friendly logo that evokes the handmade nature of their craft. I started with pages and pages of ink brush sketches, then moved to illustrator. For the first few logo renditions, I followed what the client wanted (the vase shaped snake logo), but ultimately I was not pleased with the design, and did not feel that it fit with the fun and friendly vibes they wanted to portray. I took another shot at the logo, simplifying Reclaim Clay Collective to RECC, and formed the snake around a more hand drawn treatment of the abbreviated studio name.

The client and their audience loved it, so I am really glad I got to take another crack at the design.

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